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Methodist  Circuit

We are an active ecumenical church serving the village of North and South Wheatley and operate within the Benefice of the Clays Group of churches and the Trinity Methodist Circuit.

We work closely with the village school, hosting regular Open the Book assemblies and sharing services to mark the end of term and special occasions including Harvest , Mothering Sunday and Remembrance.

There is a modern audio visual system in Church which enhances services and we are now planning to adapt the interior of the church to suit modern worship and fellowship.

Active study groups meet in local homes covering a variety of topics and our outreach includes provision of monthly lunches for local seniors and also to raise funds for the church. In addition other fundraising throughout the year enables us to support local, national & international charitable causes.

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Charity Number: 1133071

Get In Touch
01777 702786

c/o Grove Street Methodist Church
Union Street
DN22 6LB

Circuit Map

© 2025 – Trinity Methodist Circuit